This page is here to honor all of the people who have contributed to Crystal Clear in some form or fashion; be it play-testing, bug reporting, providing music/graphics, or helping to develop the game in some way. As Crystal Clear continues to grow, the number of people helping fortify it has also grown, increasing the difficulty of maintaining a complete list of credited accomplishments. In addition, many changelogs also have credits sections as well, for any that aren't listed here.

As such, if your name is listed below, then you've made a notable impact on Crystal Clear, and on behalf of the community that is enjoying the fruits of our combined effort, I want to sincerely thank you for all that you've done. -ShockSlayer

fibbef Rangi
Froggestspirit honeybun
Doom nephitejnf
Robert Mato Chaos
Frank Noah
Mmmmmm Pum
huderlem BurstXShadowzX / jShark111
Eternity Cheese
Darth Tealc sergi
Aurelio Darth
james123 Jason Baitmin
DKong27 NiteKat
ShinyDragonHunter Kalypsa
Guurak timaeus222
Piggy shassin
knee LordRedstar
Pikasprey MacintoshMinus
FifthDream JamesofMelion
Maddalena CatWithHumanEars
BeePrinceVance Kensworth
Richard and Blaziken Allen
Grizz Cedsi
Gio SauceHawk
LilyNews Jabbie/wrath.
treesquid BloodlessNS
Tiko Nic7C5
Muddy ShinkoNetCavy
Lamanitekmg Rytu
CasualPokePlayer Pies
Fef RBL Joker